Protecting our Oceans this World Oceans Day

Protecting our Oceans this World Oceans Day

June 8 is World Oceans Day.

A day to celebrate the magnificent oceans that cover over 70% of our planet, and are vital for maintaining the planet's ecological balance. They provide oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and are home to an incredible diversity of life. However, these crucial ecosystems are under severe threat from plastic pollution. Every year, up to ten millions of tonnes of plastic waste end up in the oceans, causing devastating effects on marine life, ecosystems, and human health. Understanding the impact of plastic pollution and taking action to combat it is essential for the health of our planet.

With such a vast problem, tackling plastic pollution requires a multi-faceted approach from individuals, organisations, businesses and governments around the world. So what can each of us do to make a difference?

1. Change habits: Adopt a more sustainable lifestyle

At Solmates HQ we firmly believe that individuals can make a difference through our daily choices especially when it comes to reducing plastic waste. Think about how much plastic you use every day. Simple actions such as using reusable bags, bottles, and containers (or sunscreen applicators 😉), avoiding single-use plastics, and choosing products with minimal packaging can make a big difference.

2. Take action: Join a clean up

Picking up litter might not sound like your cup of tea but joining a local clean up event - where plastic rubbish can be removed before it hits the oceans - can actually be really rewarding and even fun. Or better yet, organise your own event - you can do this on your own or through an organisation like Clean Up.  These events not only help clean up the environment, they also raise awareness about the issue. 

3. Make your voice heard: Advocate for change

Governments must implement and enforce regulations to reduce plastic pollution. Bans on single-use plastics, extended producer responsibility programs, and international agreements are steps in the right direction. Take action to advocate for more government action - join community groups, lobby your local MP, vote for leaders who prioritise environmental protection. 

4. Support Organisations: Give time or money to support others

There are many organisations  fighting to preserve marine life and habitats that you can support through donations, action and advocacy. Choose one that aligns with your values and passion. A few examples include:

Great Barrier Reef Foundation Dedicated to protecting and restoring the Great Barrier Reef through scientific research, innovation, and community engagement.

Sea Shepherd Australia The Australian branch of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which focuses on direct action campaigns to protect marine wildlife and habitats.

Take 3 for the Sea Encourages people to take three pieces of rubbish with them when they leave the beach, waterway, or anywhere to reduce plastic pollution.

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a pressing environmental issue that demands urgent attention. While the challenge is immense, a combination of individual action, innovative solutions, and strong policies can turn the tide. By working together, we can protect our oceans and ensure a healthier, cleaner planet for future generations.

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